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We too, We will go to Valognes


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http://www.soutien11novembre.org/spip.php?article569 より。




かの11月11日、反テロリスト対策副総局が、12人を逮捕するために、タルナック村やいくつかのフランスの住居に当然のことのように行った精力的な捜索から三年たった。調べて行くにつれ、われわれはこの逮捕に導いた驚くべき利害の一致について、きわめて正しい考えを持つに至った。われわれは、この糸巻きに巻かれていった糸によって、以下の事実に行きあたったーー諜報局員の「保安」を企む不明瞭さ、諜報機関がヨーロッパ全土で行動する場合の「非公式性」、君主の補佐官たちの思考系譜、サルコジの到来以降、旧来のファシストたちが政府諸省に追随し、左翼に対する復讐の時が来たと判断したこと、である。そこにはまた、仕事がDST(国土監視局)とともにDCRI(国内情報総局)に融合された後、さらにミシェル・アリオ=マリー(当時の内相)の無限の閣僚的野望によって、立場が弱体化したかつてのRG(内務省管轄の諜報機関)が、十二分に理解していた官僚的関心が介在していた。これを明瞭に測定するには、われわれはイギリスの密告者マークケネディー=ストーンが演じた役割りと、ラディカルな層が、その他の層と同様、憎むべき牙城である慣習的な係争の効果も忘れてはならない。だがひとたび、われわれがその原因でなく、事実に従うならば、われわれの目に最も明瞭にたち現れるのは以下のことであるーータルナック事件は、初めからドイツの反原発運動の拡大を国境において封じ込めようという、これまでのところうまく行っている逆上した試みだった。全ての工作は、ドイツの反原発グループが主張し、実践した、ライン川の対岸において一年間で、百何回も使用され誰も傷つけることがなかった、汽車妨害の為のよく見られる安全な方法—— 有名な「かぎ状棒」——を、汽車を脱線させる「無差別テロ行動」へとねじ曲げることに帰結する。この為に,彼らがしなければならなかったのは単に、一方で、Interpol(国際刑事警察機構)が2008年11月9日に発したドイツ関係情報を隠すこと、他方で、長年監視下にあったグループの逮捕を出来るかぎり大騒ぎすることであった。1977年のマルヴィルでのデモ行動におけるヴィタルミシャロンの殺害の様に、昨年CASTOR(放射線廃棄物搭載列車)の路線に、自分たちを縛りつけた非暴力反原発グループ(GANVA)の闘士たちの腱を意図的に切断したことの様に、タルナック弾圧は、われわれが原子力問題に触れるや否やフランス国家を襲う病的な神経過敏を立証している。このことに関して、数十年におよび嘘を積み重ね、何千人もの死者を忘却させようとしてきたのだ。

今年、11月24日に、ヴァローニュ(マンシュ県)で、準備されているのは、おそらく史上初めての、放射線廃棄物搭載列車をその始点で、妨害する大衆行動であるーーわれわれは会合の約束にきちんと馳せ参じる。われわれはフランス国家と原子力官僚たちにこの借りを返さなくてはならない。五万人のドイツ人がゴアレーベンにおいて列車の到着を妨害するというのに、フランスにおいて誰もそれを妨害しないことは、福島以降という意味で、不健全である。オランダ発の新しい八台の廃棄物列車が、もうすぐパリ首都圏のRER(パリ郊外高速地下鉄)の各駅に乗り入れ、それがラアーグ3に合流しようとする時局において、われわれは「Valognes Stop Castor Collective4




Valognes Stop Castorのフランス語マニフェスト










1編集者は、LAに英訳の労を、またKolin Kobayashi氏とNatsuko Sasaki氏には、第一和訳の訂正の労を感謝したい。

2 これはAreva社が1990年から2000年の間に開発した第三世代の原子炉である。

3 アーグにあるAreva社の拠点は、原子力燃料再生の国際的センターである。


We too, We will go to Valognes

Communiqué by Anti-CASTOR Committee of Tarnac
Monday November 21st 2011,

It has been eight months since Fukushima. There is no return to normalcy after a nuclear disaster. There is a new state of affairs in the world, a new geography of devastation of which the dominant media said the people have no other choice but to accept. The spectacle of the Fukushima explosions was broadcast through live streaming to the entire planet: the senseless highlights delivered in hour-by-hour segments to an eager audience obeys the same logic that today commands the complete silence of the consequences of this catastrophe. Who knows that so far Japan has stopped 44 of its reactors, only 10 of which are still in operation and that in Tokyo the people now prefer electrical black-outs to the marvel of atom? Who cares that even today 90% of children born in the contaminated zone of Chernobyl would suffer genetic defects? Because life is hard enough as it is, we are sparing in facing the horrors that surround us. The most nuclearized countries happen to be the least active against nuclear operation. Generally prisoners end up loving their prison guard, inasmuch as they are made to resign themselves to their fate.

In the mind-set of the end of the world, the symbolic apocalypse, currently immersed in the general collapse, the nuclear issue acts as a lock over the political situation. It is a low, heavy sky that weighs like a lid over every idea of upheaval. Evidently what matters here is not the revolution, but the possibility. The more society spends the less credit it has left, all the more the nuclear power stations network is squeezing territories producing the same effect upon us as a corset, a straight-jacket. How a regime that doesn’t take the risk to give assurances for the next year anymore dare to produce radioactive waste for the coming 100 thousand years? How could we ignore that the energy dependence that we are held in, and the kind of black mail that accompanies it, reduce to insignificance all our aspirations of freedom? There is something morbid in the libidinal investment of the French State in nurturing its nuclear power stations and its neutron bombs. While foreign governments and enlightened capitalists let be known one after another their intention of renouncing nuclear activity, France prefers to assume that it is more and more alone in this dead end situation, only because it is the most competent. Whereas the EPR (European Power Reactor) may be equal to Superphenix (the oldest French program) in the classification of acts of madness, EDF (Electricite de France) is now revealing their intentions to re-launch the breeder reactor. This denial of reality, such impermeability towards the experience, such a way to expose to the entire world its warts as its claim to fame is an astounding spectacle.

It has been three years since November 11th that the Anti-terrorist Sub-directorate has seen fit to invest in the village of Tarnac and some other homes in France in order to arrest a dozen people. Upon inquiry, we ended up getting a fairly good idea of the convergence of interests that amazingly enough led to the arrests. We arrive, by the thread that is drawn into this bobbin, at the obscurity of secret agents conspiring in the “security”, at secret services acting “informally” at the European level, at the prince’s advisors in vein of recognition, at old fascists acceded to the departments in the wake of Sarkozy and judging that the time had finally come to take revenge on the leftists. Therein we also find bureaucratic interests well understood by the former RG (Central Directorate of General Intelligence), whose position has been weakened, after its services were merged with DST (Directorate of Territorial Surveillance) into DCRI (Central Directorate of Interior Intelligence) and by Michelle Alliot-Marie’s eternal ministerial ambitions. To give a good account, we shall neither forget the role played by the British informant Mark Kennedy-Stone, nor the effect produced by the habitual rivalries of which radical milieus are, as much as any other milieu, the hateful stronghold. But if we are faithful to facts, and not to their cause, what finally appeared most clearly is that: Tarnac affair was from the beginning a frantic attempt, and so far successful one, to contain at the borders the expansion of German anti-nuclear movement. All the operation will come to be about misrepresenting the train blockade action — claimed by a German anti-nuclear group and executed with a common and safe enough method (those famous “hooks”) since it was used about a hundred times in a single year on the other side of the river Rhine without hurting anybody — into an indiscriminate “terrorist act” to derail trains. All they had to do for this was, on the one hand, to hide the German claim sent on November the 9th 2008 by Interpol (International Criminal Police Organization), and on the other hand, to make as much noise as possible the arrest of a group they had long been watching. Like the assassination of Vital Michalon during Malville demonstration in 1977, like the intentional tendon cutting, in the last year, of militants of the Non Violent Anti Nuclear Action Group (GANVA) who chained themselves on the track of the CASTOR train (Cask for Storage and Transport radioactive material) carrying the ultra-radioactive wastes, Tarnac case bears witness to a pathological irritation that affects the French State as soon as we touch the nuclear issue. At this point there have been decades of lies and thousands of death to be forgotten.

This year being prepared is, for the very first time, a mass action to blockade the CASTOR train, at its departure point, on the next November 24th in Valogne (Manche) — we can by no means miss the appointment. We very much owe that to French State and its nuclear bureaucrats. And it would be improper, after Fukushima, that there are 50,000 Germans to blockade it at its arrival in Gorleben, and nobody to shackle it in France. Whereas eight new trains of wastes coming from Netherland will soon ride across French RER (Regional Express Network) stations rejoining to La Hague, we must support Valognes Stop Castor Collective: “The issue of wastes is the weak link of the nuclear industry, and the most striking illustration of the scandal that it is as a whole”. So this is the point where we should attack. It is here that we have to, with some thousands of friends, strike a decisive blow. Pollute is always appropriation. Polluting for the coming 100 thousand years, the nuclear state is appropriating the entire imaginable future and all possible life. We are the future. We are the life. We will stop the power stations. Everybody to Valognes!

Other Relevant Materials

French Manifesto of Valognes Stop Castor

English Report

English Report

Japanese report

French report

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